you would first want a higher resolution photo for quality, and then with that, the portrait shot would have to be close, then to see blemishes and wrinkles you could zoom in to view, if you want to highlite these features to edit, you could try sharpening, or adjust sharpen mask,
~ to remove blemishes, you could use healing tool and clone stamp for larger areas, then use a duplicate layer and/or mask with gaussian blur and layer overlay transparency,
~ to actually cover blemishes try concealer and slight foundation,
..How to make blemishes show up more on Photoshop? Or bring out details/flaws on a photo of a face?
Perhaps the answer to your question can be found on various blogs. I recommend reading this blog who are fans photoshop
are you going to sabotage someones pic??
why would you want to do that? anyway you sharpen it..OR posterize it A LITTLE BIT or brighten up that detailed spot to pop out more.
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