Friday, December 11, 2009

How to treat red blemishes on your face?

I've got red blemishes on my face and I've tried moisturisers to try and sort out the problem, but no luck. So is there a cream or something that treats the blemishes and gets rid of them fast? I don't want to cover them up I just want to treat them.How to treat red blemishes on your face?
try proactiv, trust me it works, as for now cover the blemishes with conceler, make sure it has spf, because the sun can make the blemishes worse, and also make sure that you are exfoliating your face to remove the dead skin cells that are clogging the pores, just basically take care of your faceHow to treat red blemishes on your face?
Aveeno Calming Creme or Lotion or try the clinque Line they have some great Cleansers and Cremes
This may sound weird...

But toothpaste.
always wash your face with cool water - this may help reduce redness. maybe try a gentle blemish fighting cleanser something for sensitive skin.
Sounds to me like you have rosacia, which causes red splotches, nothing you get over the counter can help too much. The best thing to do is visit a reputable dermatologist.
I had tried pro-activ too. It works for me. However, it can be very drying, so use it sparingly. Beware of your diet too. Avoid heaty food, make sure you drink enough water %26amp; not to forget excercise! Excercise helps to clean your pore too!
Go to the doctors and ask for some cream.. they're more than likely to give you Benzoyl peroxide cream which dries them up.

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