Friday, December 11, 2009

I have red combination skin and i have blemishes. What could i use to clear it up and reduce redness?

Im using the clinque 3-step system right now but its not really clearing up my skin. What is really good for clearing up my skin?I have red combination skin and i have blemishes. What could i use to clear it up and reduce redness?
i have heard that a cold compress of half water and half milk can really reduce reddness.. you just mix water and milk in a bowl and then dip a wash cloth in it.. you can then bathe the red spots with it... i hope this help!!I have red combination skin and i have blemishes. What could i use to clear it up and reduce redness?
i heard that visine works to reduce redness. i figure it'd supposed to take redness out of your eyes, right? but, you may also be irritating your skin. dont wash it more than 3 times a day and DO NOT pick at your pimples.

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